Archway Surgery
Medical Practice in Bovingdon Hertfordshire.
Prison Health
Archway Surgery has been invited to help develop The Mount Prison
Health Service in line with the new modern NHS and Home Office agenda.
This started 9th September 2002 and finished in March 2006.
Patient Activity Reporting
new tool developed in 2007 to help Practice Based Commissioning Groups
to developing new pathways and Practice Based Providing. This service
uses GP surgery based clinical data
Development & Consulting
Registered Office
Unit C21 Herbal Hill Gardens
9 Herbal Hill
London EC1R 5 XB
Company Number 3326461. This company holds small
contracts such as the prison contract.
Support Agency
This was the largest multifund type organisation in the UK, which
ceased trading at the end of Fundholding in May 1999. It was
established by Dr Bulger and Dr McMinn in 1993. Commissioning by G.P.s
is making a comeback but not as we would like. Views
on the new commissioning are here
Provider Agency
This service was developing protocol and reciprocal contracts for
treating NHS patients, before the term clinical Governance was
However it depended on Fundholding for its contracts, and all the
work, including NHSnet software development ceased in May 1999. Efforts
to revive CPA's services, which are now in tune with the Modern NHS
have been thwarted by the weakness of the new commissioning
arrangements. Only very large companies can have a slice of this cake
nowadays! We
are ready to go
Practice Based Commissioning DacCom PBC Ltd
All G.P. surgeries in
Dacourm have formed a single PBC Commissioning Group
Pathfinder Practie and HMP The Mount
Dr Gerard Bulger