Archway Surgery.       Archway Development & Consulting Ltd

Archway Development &   Consulting Ltd
54 High Street
Herts HP3 0HJ
Tel 01442 817217
Fax 01442 879647
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Registred in England
Company No 3326461
Registered Office
C21 Herbal Gardens
9 Herbal Hill
London EC1R 5XB

Built using ecBuilder.
Building Development 

The Allum Medical Centre

In 1991 we still had functional  "Cost Rent" schemes.  This was a neat way of  NHS funding of GP new buildings.  Cost rent was the original "Private Finance Initiative, PFI" that had been set up decades before PFI was dreamt up.   The system was effective way of  upgrading most G.P. surgeries in the 80's and 90's up to about 2002.

G.P.s could build surgeries, within approved specifications, and charge the PCT for the interest on the full cost of the building.    The Health Authorities of the time (FHSA)s  funded a rental payment, a payment back to the G.P.s (who had arranged the funding of the  building, and usually owned it).   The "rent" or payment was based on the interest rate of the agreed cost.  At that time the cost of building was than a normal commercial rent would cover.  Since then severe cash restraints have restricted the cost rent scheme.  Also property prices have risen faster than building costs, so a notional rent  scheme,  that is a simple commercial rent, will cover the cost of the interest on building costs, so the original  Cost Rent Schemes are less popular, and severely limited.

In recent years even  "notional rent" has also come under cash restraints.  PCTs no longer have to pay what the District Valuer recommends. G.P.s have to take on a big risk on funding new buildings.  Funding for new primary care buildings is drying up

It is likely that in future building costs would be part of the contact price, as indeed would be the norm in  commercial practice.  Separate funding of buildings by the NHS may be a thing of the past.

Dr Gerard Bulger was the lead in designing and financing the building above, which in 1991 cost £1.04M
Side view 
The Allum Medical Centre
We also had experience  of developing an Outpatient Service , and we developed such a "Diagnostic and Treatment Centre at Bourne Court opposite.  It included a minor operations suite.
Clinic Developed in this building
Clinic Developed in this building

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