Antarctic Medical Training 2012
Antarctic Division
Remote Winter Expedition
Medicine Course July 2012

Emergency Scenario training in Tasmanian Wilderness
Surgical and Anaesthetic Experience August 2012
At Cairns Private Hospital in Theatres for two weeks
Medicine September-October 2012

Antarctic Medicine
Telemedicine: Use and limitation
Logistics, stock control
Systems for station supply and expiry dates
Clinical System: Training on system more like a UK clinical system than
others seen in Australia.
Disaster and major Incident management: Based on UK (Manchester) Major
Medical Management and Support and triage systems
Photobiology Including Vitamin D
Casualty Bag Kit (Thomas packs): Equipment and use of the bags and
other kits used in outstations (hut)
Cold injury: Types and treatment

Waste Management: Sharps and all waste as special
environmental rules
Inventory Systems
Computer system for tracking
Drug and Alcohol Issues
Issues for stations and drug and alcohol control
Station safety
Women’s health
Added problems of isolation and male environment
Advanced Surgical Skills: Skin procedures, sutures methods, diathermy

Flaps and grafting (use of
Appendectomy Training
including Cadaver surgical training
Aviation Medicine: Some aircraft are not
pressurised. Also some diving
Airfield Emergency: Procedures (Casey)
Antarctic Anaesthesia
Preferred systems drugs and equipment
Beneview (Monitorr)
New monitor can be linked to intranet
Anaesthetic machine Simple to work with above
Ulco Ventilator Ditto
Lab Diagnostic Kit: Those chosen as essential tests for ill patients
Piccolo Biochem: How to use and calibrate
QBC FBC: How to use and calibrate
Group and X match: Systems and training (walking whole blood bank)
Blood gases and others
Diathermy Kit: As used on stations
Stretchers and Splints: As used on stations
MIMMS: Accident

Radiation Safety: Radiation and medical radiation
Dental Radiography
Portable Equipment and digital kit
Radiology Training: X-ray machine and its reading
Sewage Testing: Outlfow biological mass and oxygen demand
Water testing: Quality control
ECG system and equipment: Various kit
Coagucheck the INR machine
Diagnostic Ultrasound: Particular machine training (link to intranet
Clinical photography: And related transmission
Clinical Imaging (PACS): PACS and clinical system. X-ray
Microbiology LAB : Gram staining, AFB staining, microscopy. Culture
Mental Health Workshop including CBT Training: Focusing on Cognitive
Techniques for use at stations and Haematology lab work
FBC equipment, Blood films,
Invasive lines and giving sets
Arterial and CVP
Blood giving kits. Infusion pumps and warmers
MRx Monitor Defib : Defib equipment
Manual Handling Posture at work as well as manual handling of goods and
Quad Bike Training Training on Quad bikes
as used in Antarctica
Dental Course
Melbourne Royal
Dental 27th Sept– 5th October
TMD and Mucosa
Denture repairs
Restorative dentistry
Oral Anatomy Local anaesthesia Extractions
Oral Surgery
Rubber Dam
Instrument processing and CSSD
Primary Care service (Working on dental patients
Ortho bands
Primary care and root canals (working on dental patients)
Burns Course EMSB 6th
Diagnosis and management for 1st 24 hours
Practical and exam
Emergency management of severe Burns ANZ Burns Soc
Fire Training 8th-9th
Hobart International Airport

Physiotherapy Training 10-12 October
Physiotherapy including splint making at different physio
clinics in Hobart
Leadership workshop
19th and 22nd October
Pre Departure
Training 23-26th October Kingston

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