Personal Medical Services

PMS Pilot Proposal Third Wave Pilots

Note that Christopher Side withdrew from this project.

Section One – Summary Sheet

Pilot Details
Pilot name DASH:

Dacorum Alliance of Single-Handed practices

Pilot code YO9 / QEQ / 1 2001
Health Authority West Herts NHS Regional Office Eastern
Type of Pilot (tick one)

No growth

Growth (MPC approved or not req.)

Growth (seeking MPC approval)


PMS only   1 nurse practitioner 1.25 full time doctor  
PMS+ Current PCG virements      
Pilot Statistics
Population served/ list size 0-5yrs










No of practices in Pilot Four Single handed practices appointed over the years,(last in1993) to their posts by the Health Authority/FSA/FHSA No of Practices

In PCG/T: 21

Definition of MPC locality see Explanatory Notes:

Due to the nature of this application, two MPC areas are covered:

  • Berkhamsted, Tring – Intermediate (Drs Bulger, Side and Andrews)
  • Hemel Hempstead, Hemel Hempstead Rural District (North) – Intermediate (Dr Bhatt)
Contact Details

Lead Provider


Health Authority

Name of contact Gerard Bulger Toni Horn Elaine Askew
Title Dr Chief Executive Primary Care Development
Address Archway Surgery

52 High Street


Herts HP3 0HJ

First Floor

Fernville House

Midland Road

Hemel Hempstead

Herts HP2 5BH

Tonman House

63 Victoria Street

St Albans

West Herts


Tel. No 01442 833380 01442 412409 01727 812929
Fax No 01442 832093    
E-mail address Elaine.askew@
Please indicate whether commissioner is health authority or PCT HA. PCT probably by April  
Signatures to the Proposal
Health Authority Chief Executive




West Herts Lynda Hamlyn  
Contract Providers




Woodhall Farm

Archway Surgery

Red & White House

The Old Forge Surgery

Dr S Bhatt

Dr G Bulger

Dr Andrews

Dr C Side

Health Authority Comments and Recommendations
The Health Authority should give an opinion as to whether it recommends that the proposal be approved and whether the proposal is consistent with local primary care objectives.

See supplementary document

Continue on an extra sheet if necessary
Section Two – Pilot Overview/Aims & Objectives

The NHS National Plan seeks to change the contractual framework for single-handed practices, either by way of changes to the Red Book, or by way of an enforced change to PMS contract.

Single handed practice is often regarded as an anachronism within a new modern dependable NHS. There are issues about clinical governance and audit. There seems to be a lack of peer review.

There are advantages of single-handed practice which we will not outline here other than to mention greater personal knowledge of patients, consistency of care, and greater access to same day appointments than may be seen in most group practices. We would not wish to lose any of these features.

The supportive arrangement of small practices into a Personal Medical Services pilot would provide practices with a framework within which they can provide high quality, well co-ordinated services and benefit from some of the economies of scale enjoyed by larger practices. This would also enable individual practices to take a lead for specific areas of work, and participate more fully in local processes, such as clinical governance and taking forward national priorities such as National Services Frameworks.

By grouping together and using an extra G.P. the PMS will be able to achieve

1: Enhanced Access (within 24 hour appointments).

2: NSF work on Ischaemic Heart Disease Prevention, obesity and Insulin resistance.

3: Work with disadvantaged groups such as isolated elderly and Travellers

4: Improved clinical Governance role: Much of this would be achieved by the ability the group would have to bring the list size per G.P. down to the national average.

Any new Nurse would be on secondment from the PCT or Hospital Trust; perhaps as a consultant nurse trainee, involving the local education consortium.

Service Delivery to Include
  • Continue high Quality GMS element of services.
  • Access within 24 hours for patients.
  • Nurse practitioner role to work on identifying, managing patients who are at risk of ischaemic heart disease, this will include obesity and insulin resistance patients.
  • A service (by the new nurse and or doctor visiting sites) for local travellers.
  • A record system for travellers which could be accessed on NHS net.
  • A PMS Plus element of not larger than the current ex-fundholding virements for in-house services to provide current in-house services and to give consultant input on patient management (particularly of chronic and disabling conditions).
  • Liaison with Social Services and other groups for our isolated Elderly since now working as one group within Dacorum PCT.
  • Drug Dependency work with Drug Link and other Agencies. We have a few isolated drug addicts who have travel difficulties into Drug Link and require local responsive service.
  • Improved Teamworking: for the first time there will be a doctor working in all the practices.
  • Centralised data collection for PCG Clinical Governance. This would require enhanced data input onto our current systems, and ensuring correct working of Miquest. We may post data to one of our servers accessible on NHSNet.
  • Improved On-call Arrangements.
  • Near-miss reporting service and enhanced audit procedures for the group.
  • Peer review: missing from standard single-handed practice.
  • Current PCG/T Agreed Secondary Care within surgeries

The pilot will continue the current "plus" services, but the pilot is not a vehicle to extend them and there is no intention to bring further services "in house" unless part of any PCT inspired initiative.

Currently the G.P.s provide directly or indireclty to some of their patients

Counselling Services


Diagnostic Ultrasound

Doppler peripheral vascular disease assessment


24 hour BP

24 hour ECG monitoring service

Minor operations outside GMS limits

Development of Dermatology and Dermatology Telemedicine

Summary – PMS focus

NHS Plan July 2000

Applicable to this pilot?

Improved Information Systems Yes
Access to Primary Care within 24 hours Yes
Expansion of PMS Yes
Increasing number of G.P.s Yes
Transfer of Single handed practices to PMS Yes


HSC 2000/018:

Applicable to this pilot?

Nurse role and skill mix changes Yes
Deprived areas and recruitment Yes
Better access Yes
Closer working with social care providers Yes
Whole PCG/T approaches to care No
2b Objectives (See explanatory notes)

Ischaemic Heart Disease Prevention with developing new role for a Nurse Practitioner.

Improved Communications co-operative working amongst single-handed G.P.s and per review

Health Improvement for Travellers.

Better Access to Primary care.

Improved Information systems for clinical Governance.

Single negotiating Unit within PCT.

2c Targets (See explanatory notes)

Identification of all at risk patients of IHD (say 20% or greater and Framingham).

Reduction of risk in those groups.

Patients seen within 24 hours and/or 90% satisfaction of appointment time offered.

Medical record system developed for all travellers on A41 corridor (available to other practices)

Clinical Governance systems in place and quarterly meetings.

Data Collection systems in place.

Increase in proportion of consultations (especially for Chronic Disease Management) undertaken by nurse practitioner.

Section Three – Service Delivery

The supportive arrangement of small practices into a Personal Medical Services pilot would provide practices with a framework within which they can provide high quality, well co-ordinated services and benefit from some of the economies of scale enjoyed by larger practices. This would also enable individual practices to take a lead for specific areas of work, and participate more fully in local processes, such as clinical governance and taking forward national priorities such as National Services Frameworks.

This proposal will include bringing in additional GP and Nurse since our list size would normally qualify for such a person(s).

The PMS would then wish to develop other services and for certain deprived groups

  • Ischaemic Heart Disease Prevention, working along National Framework Lines, but by developing a Nurse Practitioner role to help identify, monitor and treat these patients and reduce their risk. The nurse would best be seconded from a cardiac unit or a diabetic unit and discussions are under way as how to establish this role. The Nurse would be rotating to each practice and work with current practice nurses. She may be part of an educational programme to develop a consultant nurse in primary care cardiology.
  • Travellers. These patients are disadvantaged in that they find it difficult to register, and they have to go through the same registration process at each practice. They do not develop a Health record. Our mainly rural small town/village practices means that at any one time we have travellers somewhere. We would offer a single service, with one medical record available securely on the NHSNet to each other for these patients. If funding was available we could extend this service to patients other than strictly within our current A41 patch. At any one time there is usually at least one traveller settlement in our group with 40 -80 patients. The rate of change and the lack of a common record are a major problem in their care.
  • Drug Dependency. Now no longer confined to towns, one of our members can specialise in this area and co-ordinate care amongst the group and with Drug Link. This would be following the Shared Care Scheme as defined recent Drug Links Consultation Document (May 2000). At any one time we have about 20-30 drug addicts, excluding the alcoholics
  • Isolated Elderly: This is work that we would do with Social Services and voluntary organisations such as Age Concern, to encourage health check and befriending schemes. We have identified some 200 lonely and at risk patients who need a more comprehensive care packages which can be enabled by the work with our proposed Nurse practitioner, who would be working with local pharmacists to check on the problems of polypharmacy and overstocking of drugs.
  • Teenage Pregnancy Prevention work established at high risk practice area
  • Research. We are discussing with the University of Herts the possibility of University providing extra funding of the proposed new post(s) to make this an academic placement with a few sessions taken by the University.

The group would also be able to tackle:

The group will address cost and poor Quality of Service from Commercial Deputising Service urgently. This would be achieved by acting as a single negotiating group, and by doing a proportion of our own on-call and call vetting. We would continue to work with the current co-ops. DacDoc is currently considering enlargement and overnight cover. Single-handed could not undertake overnight cover for the whole of Dacorum unless we had a floating doctor as per partnership, to do the following morning surgery. (An enlarged DacDoc would reduce the number of times we would need to be on call)

As listed above:
  • Continue high Quality GMS element of services
  • A PMS Plus element of not much larger than the current ex-fundholding virements for in-house services to provide current in-house services and to give consultant input on patient management (particularly of chronic and disabling conditions)
  • A service (perhaps by nurse visiting sites) for travellers
  • Ischaemic Heart Disease prevention
  • A record system for travellers
  • Liaison with Social Services and voluntary groups for our isolated Elderly
  • Drug Dependency with Drug Links
  • Improved out of hours service
  • Improved Teamworking: for the first time there will be a doctor working in all the practices, and discovering the weakness and strengths of each, which will require addressing.
  • Centralised data collection for PCG Clinical Governance. This would require enhanced data input onto our current systems, and ensuring correct working of Miquest. We may post data to one of our servers accessible on NHSNet.
  • Improved On-call Arrangements.
  • Near-miss reporting service and enhanced audit procedures.

These projects will require a new nurse role for the group of practices and extra medical time.

Continue on an extra sheet if necessary

Section Four – Monitoring Progress

4a Key indicators to be monitored

(see explanatory notes)

PMS, for the first time in the NHS allows Primary Care services to be commissioned. We need to develop simple measurable pointers to assure ourselves and the PCT that we are continuing to provide high quality core services. We also need definable end points for the PMS element of services without creating an audit system that is more burdensome than GMS claims procedures.


Reduction of risk in those group to (say) 7% (Framingham) in 75% of those patients by a date

A survey to demonstrate that patients were seen within 24 hours and/or 90% satisfaction of appointment time offered provided by October 2001

A working medical record system developed for all travellers on A41 corridor (available to other practices) by April 2002

By April 2002 Direct booking of patients into at least one practices' clinical system

By July 2002 grouped Clinical Governance systems in place and quarterly meetings.

By July 2002 Data Collection systems in place amongst all practices.

By May 2002 Annual report about each practices problems highlights and difficulties from the new salaried doctor, acting as an independent resource, for use at each practice.

By October 2001 Development of research projects (with new funding) with University of Herts/Hertnet.

Joint practice/PMS Development Plans Developed September 2002

Practices acting jointly on clinical governance issues, and systems in place to provide PCT with data on HIMP and clinical governance targets data.

4b Baselines, where available (see explanatory notes)

No baselines available as this is a new grouping and these are new services. The variation of current services at each separate practice is too wide in certain areas. Within the short time-scale given to develop this application we have not been able to aggregate any data, and there has been no resources to do so and to provide any meaningful baselines across all four practices. The fact that we cannot easily produce such data emphasises the requirement to form a PMS. Some of the work in the first year will be developing some baseline data such as IHD risk detection.

The practices are spread in a 6 mile radius, with a range of different practice types, relatively deprived area of Hemel Hempstead with deprivation payments, through to Village practice and County town practices, all within Dacorum Primary Care Group. The advent of "free" NHSnet connections makes the geographical spread less of an issue for group working. A server at one of the practices can be accessed by any others of the group ( The use of computers occurs at all practices, but their use in clinical practice varies. This issue, which is common even within partnerships will be addressed in developing the baseline data.

Our ability to respond to the clinical governance needs in data development has been limited by our relatively high list size. New joint doctor(s), working for periods at each practice will enable us to undertake these new projects.

Availability: Surgery hours:

Dr Side 8.30 -6.30 Monday to Friday Sat 9-10.30

Dr Bulger 8.45-6.30 Monday to Friday Sat 9.00-12.00

Dr Andrews

Dr Bhatt

Continue on an extra sheet if necessary


4c Data collection and reporting arrangements

(see explanatory notes)

We will be developing this in the contracting process.

We intend to have Miquest operating at each practice to provide other data as required.

Consistency of data recording is essential. The role of the shared doctor and nurse will aid this, as would a shared administrator/data input clerk.

Financial reporting would be integral part of any PMS partnership agreement between the current practices.

Pending contractual arrangements with PCT

Continue on an extra sheet if necessary


4d Management and clinical governance arrangements

(see explanatory notes)

Close Involvement of PCT.

The Clinical Governance lead for Dacorum has already suggested, that in view of the burden of some of the new clinical Governance work, small practices should band together to provide the necessary data and work. The PMS Pilot is almost the only vehicle that can facilitate single handed G.P. collaboration

We had hoped that PCT to act as the employer of the new doctors under subcontract from the PMS and second their time to PMS. These staff would not only report to the PMS doctors but also to the PCT. However such subcontracting by the PMS may not be practical or possible, so the PMS itself or one of the practices may employ the doctor, but in his contract will be the group clinical governance role

The shared doctor and Nurse roles will glue the practices together and develop an integrated clinical governance policy within the PMS on behalf of the PCT.

The PMS group would nominate a practice manager to give overall PMS management services and robust mechanisms of general management for the whole group.

During the Preparatory phase the doctors will be seeking legal advice as to the best way to proceed to form a working grouping:

  1. By way of a PMS "partnership" to give a single contract with the PCT.
  2. By way of individual, but identical PMS contracts for each practice, but within each contract each practitioner is bound to work with others in the group as outlined in this application. If the PCT cannot employ the new G.P. on behalf of the project, One of the practices would employ the new G.P. with contractual arrangements in place such that he or she works equitable amongst all four practices.

Continue on an extra sheet if necessary

4e Local evaluation arrangements

(see explanatory notes)

Evaluation would be carried by the Health Authority with support of the PCT.

Clinical Governance Lead

Consultant Physicians (Cardiologist) (funding for this is in current virements)

Contractual obligation of the proposed new doctors to help develop and aid the running of evaluation systems for the group.

Views to be obtained from Local Authorities, Social Services.

Views and visits from Community Health Council

Patient questionnaires (eg on appointment time satisfaction)

Details will be developed in the contract.

Section Five – Sources and Proposed Uses of Funding

For completion by your health authority with reference to the finance return.

Sources of Funding

£ (‘000)

Baseline (1999/2000) Item of Service - GMS (amount potentially available from the non discretionary budgets)


Anticipated exceptional changes since baseline period +/-


Personal Administration / Dispensing (fees & on-costs)


Actual costs – Maternity Cover, Prolonged Study Leave and Sickness


GMS discretionary – amount potentially available from the unified budget for PMS only  
  • Practice staff & training
  • £149

  • Premises – i.e. Cost Rents and Improvement Grants
  • £0

  • Computing
  • £ to be confirmed

    Out of Hours Development Fund


    Prescribing Drugs


    HCHS Services (if PMS+)


    as per current PCG allocation to practices

    Other – specify  
    Growth sought for new GPs approved by the MPC (if applicable)

    Expected net National National GP income of £54 – 1.25 GP with NIC / superan etc = £80

    Growth sought for new GPs not approved by the MPC (if applicable) see below  
    Outline of other areas where Growth funds are sought

    Nurse practitioner inc costs £30


    IRO: £795

    Proposed Pilot Workforce


    in Post

    Existing vacancies



    (indicate +/- WTE)

    Number of GPs in post (WTE) 4 WTE Prinicipals      
  • Independent contractors (WTE)
  • As above      
  • Salaried (WTE)
  • 1/8th Retainer

    1/8th Assistant


    (Proposed new G.P.)


    Total GPs (WTE) 4.25    


    MPC Supported GP Posts (WTE)        
    MPC Unsupported GP Posts (WTE)        
    Nurses providing practitioner services (WTE)





    For non MPC approved posts, please state MPC reasons and a statement outlining why more GP time is required to run the Pilot

    For completion by HA/RO


    Section Six - Outcome of Consultation Processes11/

    Pilot Withdrawal Arrangements

    (See explanatory notes)

    1. Consultation
    2. Organisation Summary of outcome of consultation by Applicants to date
      Patients No time to undertake formal survey. These comments were obtained by direct conversations with patients: They were very supportive of PMS to preserve and enhance the benefits, as they see it, of our current small practices. The nature of current GMS contracts and PMS contracts difficult to explain to all patients, some had assumed we were salaried by the NHS and were surprised to find that we were independent contractors.

      Fears expressed that we would become a standard partnership, and close surgeries and develop long appointment waiting times. Curiously the concept of peer review, and group working, which we professionally now regard as mandatory, did worry some patients who appreciated the confidentiality of their records in a single-handed practice. Patients' acceptance quickly obtained when the risk of no peer review were mentioned.

      PCG/T Discussions (mainly by email) from the very start. Concerns about funding issues raised and many comments taken into account in preparation of this application.
      LMC Warning about the nature of the PMS contract as against GMS received and understood.
      CHC No response to letters by time of application
      LA Positive response.
      Other12 Parish Council positive response and comments.

      Herts University positive comments and support at Lunch Meeting Pro Chancellor

      22nd August 2000.

      Organisation Summary of outcome of consultation by Heath Authority

      - see supplementary document

      PMS + Consultation
      Outcome of consultation with staff representatives of potentially "seconded" staff to Pilots. Please attach evidence of consultation.
      We do not intend to vire any extra resources other than that the PCG has currently allocated as part of its secondary care in primary care provision. The local trust has commented positively on our proposal, but indicated that it would of course need to discuss any further virement requests for hospital services to be developed within the PMS

      Secondments: We have only had positive phone comments to date from these sources, once assurance was given that any new nurse would be funded!

    3. Arrangements for withdrawal from the pilot
    We do not intend to change the current practice facilities. Each of the current practitioners would remain based at their current surgeries and responsible for the day to day running of the service to their patient list which we would maintain as if GMS. Staff would continue to be employed by these doctors individually with funding under a capitation formula within the group as per PCT arrangements. No doctor will be able to withdraw within the first year, after that a doctor (practice) could withdraw from the scheme by giving the remaining doctors and PCT four months notice. After this his practice and population would revert to the GMS provision and come out of the PMS pilot partnership or contract. The extra resources provided for the provision of PMS would in principle remain with the remaining PMS group

    Three months notice would then have to be given to the new salaried employed doctor and nurse to reduce the hours worked accordingly, unless the PCT and MPC accepted the continued need for the current hours and funding was available.

    For any other joint employees, unless other work and funding was available within the PCG at the time, 3 moths notice would have to be given of the necessary change in contract and hours reduction.

    On retirement or sudden death or any of the doctors the PMS would continue to run the practice and seek a replacement doctor.(The doctors would have to have locum insurance in the standard manner) The PCT and PMS would jointly select a replacement. Should it not be practical (say premises no longer available) then the practice and its list would come out of the PCT, and we would follow the arrangements as above.



    Annex One - Provider Organisations who will be Party to the Contract

    Provider Organisations

    Lead Provider Organisation

    Other Provider Organisation

    Other Provider Organisation



    Name of contact Dr Gerard Bulger    
    Legal relationship to Lead Provider A PMS partnership    
    Address 52 High Street


    Herts HP3 0HJ

    Tel No 01442 833380    
    Fax No 01442 832093    
    Email address Gerard.bulger@gp-e82642    
    Organisational Type13 G.P.    
    Services Provided (PMS, and PMS+) PMS and current element of PMS plus    

    Annex Two – Main Contract Performers14

    The doctors outlined in section in section one, together with their signatures.

    Lead Provider Organisation

    (e.g. General Practice/Trust)

      Name Primarily responsible for PMS15 (Yes/No) Additional PMS16 HCHS Services (PMS Plus) Speciality/ Type of Practitioner Existing/ new Status17
      Dr Andrews Yes Yes Yes GP Existing Ind
      Dr Bhatt Yes yes Yes GP Existing Ind
      Dr Bulger Yes Yes Yes GP Exisitng Ind
      Dr Side Yes Yes Yes GP Existing Ind
    Other Provider Organisation

    (e.g. General Practice/Trust)

      Name Additional PMS HCHS Services (PMS Plus) Speciality/ Type of Practitioner Existing/ new Status
    Other Provider Organisation

    (e.g. General Practice/Trust)

      Name Additional PMS HCHS Services (PMS Plus) Speciality/ Type of Practitioner Existing/ new Status
    Annex 3 - MPC Information Requirements (Health Authority Use Only)

    The table below should be used to provide data for the:

    • Specified locality.
    • Neighbouring practices within a [ ] km radius.
    • Practices included in the proposed Pilot.
    Pilot name   Pilot number RO ‘Y’ / HA ’Q’ code Application No. Year

    Of GP

    Location of practice Sessions at branch surgeries Locality Commitment List size Patients aged 65-74 Patients aged 75+ No. Temporary Residents Rural Practice Payments

    Deprivation payments

    4 High 3 Medium 2 Low 1 Lowest


    All information required by the MPC may be submitted by email, either as text or as an Excel spreadsheet, to:

    Geoff Jackson tel.: 020 7972 1104

    fax: 020 7972 2985
