Archway Surgery.       Archway Development & Consulting Ltd

Archway Development &   Consulting Ltd
54 High Street
Herts HP3 0HJ
Tel 01442 817217
Fax 01442 879647
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Registred in England
Company No 3326461
Registered Office
C21 Herbal Gardens
9 Herbal Hill
London EC1R 5XB

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Archway Surgery 1993-2007:  Archive file

NHS General Practice. Patients can register as NHS patients if living in Bovingdon and surrounding villages, including Sarrat, Felden, Ashley Green, Whelpley Hill, including the towns of Berkhamsted, Hemel Hempstead and Kings Langley.

Private patients can have one-off medical opinions and appointments no matter their home address.

Archway Surgery Bovingdon
  • NHS Care
  • Fully equipped
  • Male and Female Doctors
  • Full use of IT
  • Personal Service of a small practice
  • Full team
  • Midwife
  • Health Visitor
  • District Nurses
  • Counselling
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Preventative Health
Archway Surgery
52 High Street
Hertfordshire HP3 0HJ

Tel: 01442 833380
Fax: 01442 832093

The Emergency Telephone Number is the same:
01442 833380.
Should there be a fault on that line call 0845 601 8802

The Practice Area Includes
Whelpley Hill
Kings Langley
Hemel Hempstead and Berkhamsted

The surgery is in a purpose built and recently extended building in the middle of Bovingdon Village, opposite the Library and Bovingdon JMI School.

Dr Bulger took over from Dr. Mairead Elis (Meg) MacConaill M.B. BCh. BAO in July 1993. She continued as an assistant until 1998, when she moved back to Eire.

Gerard Bulger B.Sc, M.B.,B.S, D.C.H., M.R.C.G.P.
Email here
Trained at St. Bartholomew's Hospital London, qualifying in 1976. My wife, Mary McMinn, is also a doctor and has been occupied in the company we founded in London, The Fundholders' Support Agency and Consultant Provider Agency. She is the practice manager. We have 3 children; Paul 27, Chris 24, Joanna 19. We have a house in Kings Road, Berkhamsted.

I was born in Sussex and educated at Douai Abbey School, Berkshire. After medical training I worked in the Bart's Professorial Medical Unit in Hackney, then as a Research Fellow at The Whittington Hospital. After I was a registrar at Whipps Cross Hospital I entered into partnership with Dr. Allum & partners in Leytonstone, East London in 1984. I became the lead partner for fundholding and building the new Allum Centre, a large Primary Care Resource Centre. I was the medical officer for Waltham Forest's Unit for Physically Disabled People. Currently I am a clinical tutor at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, so you may find medical students here from time to time. I am on the Health Authority lists for the provision of child health surveillance, minor operations and maternity services.

Dr Janet Crabtree M.R.C.G.P  M.R.C.P is our assistant and she works at the surgery 3 mornings a week. She trained at Barts and qualified in 1984. She did her post graduate training in East London, and was a medical registrar in Reading before doing her G.P training in London. She has two l children.

Dr Omar Rahim BSc (Hons) MBBS (Lon) MRCS (Eng) MRCGP joined us in October and will be seeing patients in 2007

Our shared PMS Dr (currently Dr Sam Kukielka) works at the surgery during leave and study leave.

The Practice is within  West Herts Primary Care Trust's area.

The Practice was part of Dacorum Doctors on Call. This is a co-op of local practices offering out of hours cover from a central surgery at Slippers Hill in Hemel Hempstead. This service ceased altogether by October 2005 and the Primary Care Trust took over out of hours work. From then practices will be forbidden under new NHS arrangements to do their own on-call.  Out of hours is now provided by Harmoni under an NHS contract

The Practice is Personal Medical Services Practice with two other local small practices. We have a different form of NHS contract which pre-dates the new standard GMS contract.

Dr Mary McMinn BSc MRCP is the part-time practice manager

A Consulting Romm
A Consulting Room


  • Dr Gerard Bulger
  • Dr Janet Crabtree
  • Pippa Washbourne RGN Nurse Practitioner
  • Jane Grant RGN Health Visitor
  • Helen Midwife
  • Pam Larkin RGN District Nurse
  • Dr Mary Mcminn Practice Manager
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NHS care is free at the point of delivery, funded by taxation.

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